Tatiana A. Ezhova
Dr. Sci. (Biol.) Professor
Department of Genetics, Biological faculty, Moscow State University
Plant development genetics, plant stem cells, shoot, flower, leaf development, cell biology, cell memory, epigenetics, genetics of resistance to abiotic stress factors.
The main research interests of Ezhova T.A. relate to studying the function of genes that control the maintenance of plant cell pluripotency, identifying new genes involved in shoot development, and studying the role of gene interactions in flower and leaf development. Ezhova studies the relationship between plant morphogenesis and functional activity of genes that control the antioxidant response and the response to cold exposure. During the 1990s, Ezhova mostly studied the problems of somaclonal variation and the role of cell selection as a possible reason for the specificity of somaclonal variation
Author and co-author of 95 articles, 5 books, including publications in peer-reviewed international scientific journals Plant Breeding, Plant Science, Biologia Plantarum, Biology Open, etc.
Member of the Scientific Council for Development Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Winner of two awards MAIK "Science / Interperiodica" for the best publications.